Abstract :
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that requires long-term therapy, so it requires patient
compliance in undergoing treatment to take medication and reduce the risk of
complications. The purpose of this study is to increase awareness of patients with tipe
2 diabetes to take medication regularly.This type of research is observational
analyzed descriptively and prospectively taken. Sampling was carried out using the
slovin formula. Measurement of compliance was measured using the MMAS-8
(Modified Morisky Adherence Scale) questionnaire. The number of samples taken
was 80 respondents. The rate of medication adherence in the kimia farma sukoharjo
pharmacy at 33.75% is low compliance, 53.75% is moderately obedient and 12.5% is
high compliance. Based on research on factors related to medication adherence for
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, including age, sex, education level,
employment status, duration of illness and the number of drugs received, the results
obtained that the level of adherence to take medication from patients with type 2
diabetes mellitus is classified as moderate at kimia farma sukoharjo pharmacy