Abstract :
Clove parasite leaves are plants that live attached to other plants, this
plants is often considered a pets by the community, whereas parasites can be used
as traditional plants because they have chemical compounds, people really like
various manufacturing techniques when comsuming plants as traditional
medicine, one of which is by brewing. The parasite leaves contain flavonoids
which are used as secondary metabolites. The aim of this research was to
determine the total flavonoid levels of fresh and dried steeping parasits leaves of
cloves (Dendrophthoe petandra L.) using UV- spectrophptometry. The method
used in the research of determining the levels of flavonoid using UV-Vis
Spectrophotometry. Identifications of flavonoids using an alkali test using NaOH
reagents, Wilstatter test using Mg and HCl, reagents H2SO4 test using H2SO4 to
find out whether or not the content of flavonoids in steeping. The results of
research on the identifications of flavnoid compounds showed fresh steeping and
positif steeping fresh and dried steeping containing flavonoid compounds. The
results of the determination of total flavonoid levels contained in fresh and dry
steeping average levels of 8,1977 ppm and dry steeping 5,4407 ppm test with One
Way Anova showed that there was a significant difference between the levels of
fresh steeping flavonoid and dry steeping parasites of clove parasites.