Abstract :
Hepatitis B is a hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in the liver that can be acute
or chronic. In previous studies, results showed that therapy without indication of 2
cases (9.5%), the need for additional therapy 18 cases (85.7%), ineffective drugs 4
cases (19.0%), dose too low 5 cases (23.8%), and high dose in 7 cases (33.3%).
This study was to determine the characteristics of patients and to find out how to
use drugs in hepatitis B patients in inpatients at Soehadi Pridjonegoro Sragen
2018 Hospital according to the exact, right patient, right drug, right dose. The
technique used to find samples using non-probability sampling techniques that is,
taking samples not based on what can be calculated, but based on mere
practicality. The method used is purposive sampling, the sample taken is a sample
that has certain criteria from the announced medical record data, age, sex, drug
used, treatment dose, laboratory data. Main research results: characteristics based
on male sex 77.1%, based on age 56-65 years 31.3%, use of antiviral therapy 7%,
supportive therapy 93%, 100% precise indication, 100% right patient, right 100%
patients, right drug 95.83%, right dose 100%, rationality of drug use 95.83%.