Abstract :
The papaya plant is one of the plants of the Caricaceae family which is
spread in the tropics, including Indonesia. Papaya leaves and flowers contain
flavonoids which can be used as raw material for traditional medicines for the
treatment of diabetes mellitus. The aim of the researchers was to determine the ratio
of total flavonoid levels in papaya leaf and flower extract (Carica papaya L.) by
UV-Vis Spectrophotometry. The method used in the research is Chang's method.
Identification of flavonoids with concentrated HCl reagent and magnesium metal
gives rise to a red color change indicating a positive sample containing flavonoids.
The results of the study were the comparison of total flavonoid levels contained in
papaya leaf and flower extract with an average flavonoid level of 6.8357% b / b for
papaya leaves and 1.6025% b / b for papaya flowers. The results of the Independent
Samples Test showed that there were significant differences between the levels of
total flavonoid ethanol extract of papaya leaves and flowers indicated by the value
of Sig. (2-tailed) 0,000 < 0,05.