Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Nasional
Maria, Regina Kartika Setya Irawati
RN Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Mathematics
2021-03-02 03:53:46
Abstract :
Diarrhea is a disease characterized by an increase in the frequency of bowel
movements more than 3 times a day accompanied by a consistency of liquid
stools and the presence or absence of blood or mucus. Management of acute
diarrhea in children according to the World Gastroenterology Organization
(2012) consists of oral rehydration therapy, zinc supplement therapy, probiotics, and antibiotics. This study aims to determine the rationale for prescribing
antibiotics, antidiarrheals and probiotics in patients under five with diarrhea in
Dr. Moewardi in 2019. This research is a non-experimental type of research, data collection was carried out retrospectively and analyzed descriptively. Sampling was taken as many as 114 patients by purposive sampling method. The
results of the study of the use of drugs used for therapy in patients with diarrhea
under five at Dr. Moewardi in 2019 were ORS (72.0%), RL (72.0%), Kaen 3A
(28.0%), Zinc (43.8%), Liprolac (35.1%), Lacto B (54, 4%), Ondansentron
(30.7%), Tomit (46.5%), Paracesetamol (87.7%), Ampicillin (7.0%) and
Cefotaxime (46.5%). The use of antibiotics, zinc, and probiotics in pediatric
patients with diarrhea in RSUD Dr. Moewardi in 2019 it can be concluded that
the antibiotic suitability analysis has correct indications of 45.4%, 100% correct
patient, 100% correct drug, and 87.3% correct dose. In the analysis of zinc
suitability, there were 43.8% correct indication, 43.8% correct patient, 43.8%
correct drug, 88.0% correct dose. Meanwhile, the probiotic suitability analysis
experienced 89.5% correct indications, 89.5% correct patient accuracy, 89.5%
correct drug and 81.4% correct dose.