Abstract :
Service and satisfaction are two things that can not be separated,
because with the satisfaction of the relevant parties can correct to what extent the
services provided by the drugstore officer in providing services carried out based
on applicable regulations and can understand what is asked by the community.
This study aims to determine the characteristics and level of satisfaction of
pharmaceutical services at Kurnia II drugstore, Sragen district, Sragen Regency
in March 2020. This research design uses descriptive analysis method. The
instrument used was a questionnaire sheet. The population in this study were
patients or families of patients who bought drugs by prescription. Sampling
technique in this study used a purposive sampling method that met the inclusion
criteria.The sample size is 100 responden. The results showed that the tangible
dimension obtained a percentage score of 80.1%, the reliability dimension
obtained a score percentage of 79.5%, the responsiveness dimension obtained a
percentage score of 82.3%, the certainty dimension obtained a percentage score
of 85.0%, on the dimension empathy obtained 81.9% score percentage.
Researchers concluded that the level of satisfaction of pharmaceutical services at
Kurnia II drugstore, Sragen Subdistrict, Sragen Regency showed very satisfied
criteria with a percentage score of 81.8%.