Abstract :
Hepatitis is a disease of the liver caused by a virus. The use of liverinducing drugs in hepatitis patients can increase the risk of liver damage. In the
treatment of patients with hepatitis still found the administration of drugs that
have hepatotoxic effects which are feared to worsen liver damage. This study aims
to determine the characteristics of hepatitis patients, find the existence of
hepatotoxic drugs in hepatitis patients and find out the percentage of hepatotoxic
drugs. This research is a non-experimental study with a saturated sampling
design and data analysis is done descriptively. Collecting data through patient
drug use records on patient medical record sheets The total sample of this study
was 105 patients. The results of this study indicate that of the 105 study subjects
known 52 patients (50%) received liver-inducing drugs and the average
percentage of liver-inducing drugs given to 52 patients were ceftriaxone (42%),
paracetamol (26%), asam mefenamat (21%), cefotaxime (5%), ranitidine (4%)
dan omeprazole (2%) The most widely used inducing drug is ceftriaxone with a
percentage of 54%. Ceftriaxone causes cholestasis where the results of imperfect
metabolism will crystallize and settle in the gall bladder, causing blockages that
form gallbladder stones. Further research is needed on the effect of day-inducing
drug administration on hepatitis patients based on parameters of liver function