Abstract :
Hepatitis is one of the infectious diseases that is a public health problem.
According to Riskesdas 2018 in almost all regions in Indonesia conducted surveys
have increased prevalence including Central Java. Many problems related to the
drug and its use, Pharmaceutical Care is an absolute thing applied to the role of
pharmacists must be based on the knowledge that belongs (Depkes RI, 2007).
Research aims to know the description of pharmacist knowledge about Hepatitis
B in Sragen in December 2019. This method of research is descriptive, sampling
techniques are Nonprobability Sampling research conducted in December 2019.
The population of this study was 225 respondents, the sample of the research was
a pharmacy's representative with a maximum of 144 and a minimum of 70
samples. The research instruments use questionnaires with 13 questions that have
been conducted validity and reliability tests. Collecting data by sharing
questionnaires is then processed using Microsoft Excell. The results of the study
showed from 82 respondents were 69 respondents (84, 15%) Have good
knowledge of Hepatitis B and 13 respondents (15, 85%) have less good