Abstract :
Rationality used of drugs is one of the indicators of service quality in a
hospital. Hip osteoarthritis is a disease in which the proportion of occurrence is
low which may be at risk for life by 25%. Total hip replacement surgery can
relieve pain and stiffness in the hip joint and has a very good effect on improving
quality of life. Pain is common in patients after surgery. The purpose of this study
was to determine the rationality of analgesic use in postoperative hip
osteoarthritis patients at Orthopedic Hospital Prof. Dr. R. Soeharso Surakarta in
2019, in terms of the accuracy of the indication, patient, medication, and dosage.
Type of non-experimental research with retrospective data retrieval from medical
record data using random sampling method. Data were analyzed directly by
Indonesia Rheumatic Association (IRA) 2014 dan Drug Information Handbook
(DIH) 2018. The results of the analysis are right indication (100%), right patient
(100%), right medication (84,17%), and right dose (82,50%). The most commonly
used analgesics are a combination of Fentanyl injection, Paracetamol infusion
and Ketorolac injection that is 44.17%, the combination of Fentanyl injection and
paracetamol infusion is 23.33% and a single dose of ketoroloac injection is