Abstract :
A Pharmacy is a particular place where efforts are made in the field of
pharmaceutical works and drug distribution to the public. Customer satisfaction
can affect the interest to return the same pharmacy. Customer satisfaction is an
assessment of good or bad pharmaceutical services received by customers.
Accepted customer satisfaction can be seen with service quality method that
derides service quality into five dimention, namely: reliability, responsiveness,
assurance, empathy, and tangible. This research was conducted to analyze the
level of customer satisfaction on the quality, of drug service without prescription.
The research design used is description design. This research was conducted at
Sidodadi pharmacy with 100 samples. Sampling is done by purposive sampling
technique. The research instrument used is in the form of questionnaire about the
level of customer satisfaction quality of pharmaceutical services. The research
result from all dimension show that customer were not satisfied with the quality of
without drug prescription services at Sidodadi pharmacy with a value of -0,11.
The value of reliability dimension is -0,16 (not satisfied), the responsiveness
dimensions is -0,16 (not satisfied), the assurance dimensions is -0,16 (not
satisfied), the empathy dimensions is -0,05 (not satisfied), and the tangible
dimensions is -0,12 (not satisfied).