Abstract :
Hepatic cirrhosis is included in the 20 most causes of death in the world, covering 1.3% of all deaths in the world and the top 5 causes of death in Indonesia
(WHO, 2010). This study aims to determine the pattern of drug use and
characteristics of inpatient liver cirrhosis patients who are hospitalized at Sebelas
Maret University Hospital. This research is a descriptive study using primary and
secondary diagnosis data in the form of medical records of patients who meet the
inclusion criteria in the inpatient section of Sebelas Maret University Hospital in
2019. The study population is the data of patients suffering from inpatient liver
cirrhosis in 2019, while the study sample is the total population. This research
method, all research data were analyzed descriptively non analytically. The results
showed that the age of the most patients suffering from cirrhosis of the liver
between 40-50 years (36.13%), the sex of the patients who suffered the most from
liver cirrhosis were male (64.86%), and the pattern of treatment of hepatic
cirrhosis with complications of ascites given spironolactone and / or furosemide
drugs, complications of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis given ceftriaxone drugs, complications of esophageal varices given propranolol drugs, and complications
of liver encephalopathy given lactulose syrup.