Abstract :
Hepatitis B is a chronic inflammation of the liver and is caused by
hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis is an infectious disease that becomes a matter of public
health, affecting the number of pain, mortality, public health status, numbers Life
expectancy, and other socio-economic impacts. Based on the World Health
Organization (WHO) report, hepatitis B resulted in about 887 thousand deaths.
Indonesia is a high endemic hepatitis B after Burma, Central Java cases increased
from 0.1% to 0.4% in 2018. The research aims to determine the knowledge level
of the science of the pharmaceutical Engineering of hepatitis B in Wonogiri
district. This method of research is descriptive, with the Simple Random
Sampling method of sampling. The research was conducted in December 2019.
The population of this study was 247 respondents. The research samples
amounted to 153 respondents of the pharmacy engineering personnel in Wonogiri
District. The research instrument uses a questionnaire with 13 questions that have
been carried out the validity test and reliability test. Characteristics based on place
of work in hospitals as much as 86 respondents (56.21%), the characteristics
based on education is D3 pharmacy as much as 94 respondents (61.44%),
characteristics based on long work of > 10 years as much as 57 respondents
(37.25%). The results of the study were 153 respondents were 128 (83.66%) Wellknowledgeable pharmaceutical engineering personnel.