Abstract :
Medication errors can be caused by miscommunication between
pharmacist and the doctor. Prescription services explain for pharmacists are
required to do prescription screening which includes administrative screening,
pharmaceutical screening, and clinical pharmacy screening to ensure the legality
of a prescribtion and minimize medication errors. The aim of this study was to
determine the prescribtion administrative completeness and the pharmaceutical
suitability of outpatient prescriptions at Pharmtionsacy Installation of the
Surakarta Islamic Hospital during October - December 2019. This study was non
experimental study with descriptive method. The subject of this study was the
outpatient prescriptions at the Pharmacy Installation of the Surakarta Islamic
Hospital. The sampling method used was simple random sampling by taking a
prescription during October-December 2019 at Pharmacy Installation of the
Surakarta Islamic Hospital. In this study,the sample size used was 100 sheets of
prescription.The data is then analyzed based on the persentage value of the data
collected the concluded descriptively. To know the administrative completeness
and pharmacetic suitability of outpatient prescriptions in the Surakarta Islamic
Hospital Pharmacy Installation. The administrative screening of outpatient
prescriptions at the pharmacy installation of Surakarta Islamic Hospital during
October - December 2019 obtained incomplete 87% with sign off by doctor, 9%
prescription date, 2% patient's name / date of birth, 100% body weight, doctor's
name / initial doctor 16%. In pharmaceutical studies the percentage of
prescriptions that are not in accordance with the dosage form of the drug and the
rules of drug use are 0%, the strength of the drug 1%, the frequency of drug
administration 1%. It can be concluded that administrative completeness study is
0% and pharmacy compatibility study is 98%.