Abstract :
Free radicals are a group of chemicals that are very reactive because they
have one or more unpaired electrons. Clove mistletoe ( Dendrophthoe petandra
L.Miq ) is a parasite plant which acts a natural antioxidant that can ward off free
radicals. This study aims to determine the antioxidant capacity and total antioxidant
activity of clove mistletoe leaf herbal tea against the variation of boiling time by the
FRAP method (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power). Clove mistletoe leaves boiled
with a variation of boiling time 5, 10, and 15 minutes. The qualitative test of the
flavonoid content using alkaline reagents, by adding NaOH 10% solvent and AlCl3
solution shows decoction of clove mistletole leaves containing flavonoids. Clove
mistletoe leaf herbal tea was tested using UV-Vis Spectrophotometric method at a
wavelength of 670,5 nm with an operating time of 30 minutes. Based the test on the
10 minute stew showed the highest results with antioxidant activity value of 1,533
mgAAE/g sample. The results of differences in the antioxidant activity value of the
herbal clove mistletoe leaves were analyzed statistically using a one-way ANOVA
test with SPSS. Based on this, herbal clove mistletoe leaf potential to be developed
as an alternative treatment for free radicals.