Abstract :
Bitter melon fruit (Momordica charantia L.) and tomatoes (Solanum
lycopersicum) are known to contain compounds that are beneficial for health, one
of which is used as an antidiabetic. This study aims to determine the antidiabetic
activity of the combination of ethanol extract of bitter melon fruit (Momordica
charantia L.) and ethanol extract of tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) which are
the most effective as antidiabetic. The method used in this study is a visible
spectrophotometric method using nelson reagent which is measured at a
wavelength of 748.1 nm and operating time (OT) in the 25th minute. The
qualitative test results showed that 96% ethanol extract of bitter melon and tomato
fruit contained alkaloid, flavonoid and terpenoid compounds. The results of the
testing of antidiabetic activity were a combination of 96% ethanol extract of bitter
melon fruit and tomatoes with a ratio of 1:0, 1:2, 2:1, and 0:1 respectively which
resulted in a value of EC50 4.9273; 4,4954; 4,6034; and 4,7688 ppm. Based on the
data obtained, it can be concluded that the combination of 96% ethanol extract of
bitter melon fruit and 96% ethanol extract of tomatoes with a ratio of 1: 2 has the
most effective antidiabetic activity from its single form with an EC50 value of
4,4954 ppm.