Abstract :
Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate group pesticide that is widely used by
farmers. The maximum limit of pesticide residues is the concentration that is
permissible in agricultural crops. Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) is one of the
plants that is exposed to pesticides, so research is conducted to determine the
residual levels of chlorpyrifos pesticides contained in welsh onion (Allium
fistulosum L.), and to determine compliance with the maximum limit of pesticide
residues has been set at 0.05 mg/kg. The method used in this study uses High
Performance Liquid Chromatography with a stationary phase C18 column
(Octadecyl silica), a water phase: acetonitrile (50:50) and a flow rate of 0.70
ml/min. Analysis of chlorpyrifos pesticide residues was carried out using
dichloromethane solvents, with the detector set at a wavelength of 291 nm. The
results of the study showed the average levels of chlorpyrifos residues contained
in welsh onion were 131.6023 mg/kg and the coefficient of variation was
2.0388%, these results did not meet the maximum limit of pesticide residues