Abstract :
Mustard greens is a commodity vegetable prone to organism disorders.
Pesticides used to pest control. Pesticides potentially leave are recidue. Pesticide
residue can enter into body if through consuming vegetable . Research was aim it
for to analysis chorpyrifos residueal pesticide content in mustard greens using
method spectrophotometry UV-Vis. Chlorpyrifos residueal pesticide in mustard
greens extracted with maceration and reacted with asam perklorat, ammonium
molibdat, bismuth subnitrat, dan vitamin C for 15 minutes. Average grade
chlorpyrifos residual pesticide in mustard greens 0,2798 ± 0,00497 mg/kg with a
Coefficient variance of 1,76%. Grade do not exceed Batas Maksimum Residu
(BMR) specified by Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) tahun 2008 for Chinese
cabbage, that is 1 mg/kg.