Abstract :
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Indonesia ranks second with TB incidence below India. AntiTuberculosis Drug Therapy (OAT) given is inseparable from side effects, one of
which is hepatotoxicity (decreased liver function). Laboratory tests of
transaminase enzymes including SGOT and SGPT will show
hepatotoxicity/decreased liver function. To determine the characteristics of
patients receiving OAT therapy based on sex, age, and decreased liver function.
This research is a non-experimental descriptive study. The study sample consisted
of 57 patients with OAT treatment. TB most occurred in men as many as 33
patients (58%) and the highest age range suffering from TB was 36-45 years as
many as 30 patients (52.63%) and patients who experienced a decrease in liver
function by 4 patients (7 , 02%), while 14.03% experienced an increase in SGOT
and SGPT <3 times ULN, and 78.95% had an increase in SGOT and SGPT that
were still within normal limits.