Abstract :
Surakarta Islamic Hospital has implemented a one-stop system in terms of
distribution of pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and consumable
medical materials using the Dose Dispensing Unit (UDD) system for inpatient
distribution services. This study aims to determine the medicine distribution
system and evaluate the Dose Dispensing Unit (UDD) system that has been run at
the Inpatient Pharmacy Installation at the Islamic Hospital in Surakarta. This
research is a descriptive study by collecting and recording data from the medicine
distribution documents listed in the medicine Administration Note (CPO and
inpatient medication returns for Surakarta Islamic Hospital. The research was
conducted in January - February 2020 as many as 31,905 prescription medicine
items and 3.701 items of inpatient medication returns using total sampling
techniques The data were analyzed based on the percentage value of the data
collected then collected descriptively to determine the monthly returns of
inpatients, with the percentage of inpatient drug returns said to be good if the
value the percentage of drug returns is less than 10% each month.The results of
the study show that the fulfillment of the needs of pharmaceutical services in the
Inpatient Pharmacy Installation of the Surakarta Islamic Hospital for the period
of January - February 2020 is 88.4% based on the percentage of medicine returns
/ returns before sar 11.6%. The results of the percentage returns can be
concluded that the distribution system of pharmaceutical supplies of medical
devices and consumable medical materials with the Dose Dispensing Unit (UDD)
system that runs in the Inpatient Pharmacy Installation of the Islamic Hospital of
Surakarta in the January-February 2020 period has not yet reached the standard
guidelines for Pharmacy Services Surakarta Islamic Hospital is a percentage of
medicine returns less than 10% per month.