Abstract :
Diabetes melitus (DM) is a disease characterized by hyperglycemia caused by
decreased insulin secretion or decreased insulin sensitivity or both. The prevalence
of diabetes melitus increase every year. The study was conducted to determine the
combination of extracts ethanol herbs sambiloto and sambung nyawa leavesbitter a
more effective decrease of blood glucose levels in male rat wistar strain induced
alloxan as compared to the provision of a single.This research uses experimental
research with pre and post test randomized controlled group design. Forty test
animals were divided into 8 groups : normal, negative (CMC-Na), positive
(glibenclamide),herbs sambiloto (EESA 100), sambung nyawa leaves (EESN 100),
EESA : EESN 75:25, EESA : EESN 50:50 and EESA : EESN 25:75. All groups
except the normal group induced alloxan 160mg / kgBB on day 0, followed by
animal testing until day 14. The data obtained were blood glucose on day 0, day 7
and day 14 and measured using GOD-PAP method. The data obtained by normality
test using Shapiro-Wilk test followed by ANOVA test with (?=0.05) for optimum
dose combination of ethanol extract herbs sambiloto and sambung nyawa leavesthat
is EESA : EESN 50:50 can decrease blood glucose level is 10.25 mg/kgBB herbs
sambiloto 70 mg/kgBB sambung nyawa leaves.