Abstract :
The liver has many important functions for the body, one of which is to
protect the accumulation of harmful and toxic substances that enter from outside
the body (xenobiotic substances), motto ?back to nature? that often gives
significant effects. The purpose of this study was to determine the hepatoprotector
activity of a combination of broccoli ethanol extract with avocado leaves as an
antioxidant (Hepatoprotective).
This research is experimental in 30 male white rats with 6 different
treatments namely normal control (aquadest), positive control (silimarin), negative
control (alcohol), and treated with a combination of broccoli extract and avocado
leaves dose I( 25%:75%), dose II (50%:50%), dose III(75%:25%) that is dose I
(750mg/KgBB:375mg/KgBB), dose II (500mg/KgBB:750mg/KgBB), dose III
(250mg/KgBB:1125mg/KgBB). The study was conducted for 14 days, on the 15th
day blood was drawn through the eye veins to measure SGPT levels and took rat
liver for macroscopic observation of the liver. Data were analyzed with the One
Way Anova test followed by the Tukey HSD test. This study concluded that the
administration of a combination of broccoli ethanol extract with combination of
50%:50% (500mg/KgBB:750mg/KgBB) avocado leaves had the sam
hepatoprotector effect as 100 mg/KgBB silimarin.