Abstract :
Patient satisfaction is a target that is often applied by comparing the results of health
services received with expectations. Patients will feel satisfied if the performance of
the services they obtain is the same or exceed their expectations and vice versa
patients will feel disappointed or dissatisfied if the health services they obtain do not
match their expectations. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of
satisfaction of outpatients in the Pharmacy Installation of the Surakarta Islamic
Hospital for pharmacy services using five dimensions of service quality, namely
reliability (reliability), responsiveness, empathy, empathy, assurance, appearance ).
This type of research is descriptive research. How to take a sample by purposive
sampling with the criteria of patients or families of patients who can read and write,
aged 18-60 years and are willing to become respondents. This research was
conducted by filling out the questionnaire by the patient or family of the patient and
then calculated the percentage of patient satisfaction level on the indicators studied.
Based on the calculation of the level of patient satisfaction with the reliability
indicator at 87.83%, the responsiveness indicator at 88.33%, the empathy indicator
at 89.73%, the assurance indicator at 89.60%, the physical appearance / evidence
indicator at 89.07%, the level patient satisfaction of 88.91%, this shows the
pharmacy services at the Pharmacy Installation of the Surakarta Islamic Hospital in
general are very good and satisfying patients and have achieved the expectations of
patients who want to get the best health services.