Abstract :
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver and can cause acute
and chronic illness. It is estimed that one third of the world?s population has been
exposed to this virus and 300-450 million of them are people with hepatitis B.
This study aims to determine the characteristics of hepatitis B patients and to
know the description of the use of drugs in hepatitis B patients in the outpatient
pharmacy in hospitalized in Dr. Oen Kandang Sapi Solo period Januari-Desember
of 2018. This research is descriptive with retrospective data collection from
patient medical records. The sampling technique used was non-probability
sampling technique research results from 73 patients infected with Hepatitis B
virus in hospitalized Dr.Oen Kandang Sapi Solo period Januari-Desember of 2018
consisted of 41 male patients and 32 female patients with Hepatitis B cases, with
concomitant diseases 18 patients and without comorbidities 55 patients. Drug
administration is dominated by a combination of 78,1%. Most antiviral drug
classes are sebivo 84,3% with telbivudin active substances and most
hepatoprotector groups are curcuma 55,5%.