Abstract :
ARI treatment is an acute infection that attacks one or more parts of the airways
from the nose to the alveoli, including the adnexan, namely the sinus, middle ear
cavity and pleura. Basically, the principle of rational use of antibiotics is the
selection of antibiotics that are selective against infecting microorganisms and
effectively destroying infecting microorganisms. This study aims to determine the
use of antibiotics for acute respiratory infections (ISPA) in pediatric patients at the
Husada Nirmala Pharmacy in 2019. This study belongs to the type of nonexperimental or observational research. The population of this study is the
prescription of pediatric patients with acute respiratory infections (ISPA) at the
Husada Nirmala Pharmacy from September to December 2019 as many as 138
people, purposive sampling technique, medical record research instrument. Data
analysis uses frequency distribution. Description of the use of antibiotics in acute
respiratory infections of patients seeking treatment at Husada Nirmala Pharmacy
based on the characteristics of patients aged 6-12 years as many as 52 patients
(50.5%), based on the gender characteristics of patients most male sex, namely 60
patients (58 (3%), the right frequency of administration is 100%, the right dose of
administration is 80.6% which is not right at 19.4%.