Abstract :
Hepatitis B is a disease caused by hepatitis B virus that attacks the liver. One
effort to prevent hepatitis B is through hepatitis B (HB) immunization. Based on
Riskesdas 2018 data, hepatitis B immunization coverage has not yet reached the
2019 RESTRA target. Based on research that has been done, a mother's
knowledge will affect the immunization coverage. The purpose of this study was
to the describe mothers? knowledge about hepatitis B immunization at Posyandu
Tunas Bangsa V Nguter. This study used a non-experimental descriptive design
with a purposive sampling technique with 48 mothers who have toddlers and
come to the Tunas Bangsa V Posyandu Nguter during December 2019. Research
instrument used a questionnaire that refers to the thesis of Juniny (2014) and the
data analysis technique used percentages. The results showed that there were 41
respondents (85.42%) were well-informed, and 7 people (14.58%) were not wellinformed. Based on the characteristics, the most well-informed respondents at the
age of 26-35 years were 18 people (37,5%) and the most well-informed
respondents in the most recent SMA education were 28 people (58,3%). It can be
concluded that the mothers? knowledge about hepatitis B immunization in
Posyandu Tunas Bangsa V Nguter in December 2019 shows a good level of