Abstract :
Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection that can be contagious, can be acute or
chronic and cause death. One effort to prevent the transmission is by immunizations, which is still a pro and a contra in Indonesia. Decreased immunization coverage is due to the mother?s refusal to give immunizations to their children. The
purpose of this study is to describe the attitude of mothers towards hepatitis B immunization in Puskesmas Nusukan Surakarta. The study used a non?experimental
descripitive design with a purposive sampling technique with 110 mothers who
have toddlers and visited Puskesmas Nusukan to have their toddlers examined during December 2019. Data collection used questionnaire that refering to the thesis
of Rozalina (2012). The results showed as many as 94 respondents (85,5%) had
positive attitudes and 16 respondents (14,5%) had negative attitudes. It can be
concluded that the mother?s attitudes towards hepatitis B immunization in Puskesmas Nusukan Surakarta is positive. Positive attitude is the mother?s attitudes
who support to provide hepatitis B immunization to their children. Negative attitude is the attitude of mothers who are less supportive to provide Hepatitis B immunization to their children.