Abstract :
Hepatitis B virus infection is one of major health problems in the world in
general and in Indonesia in particular. Hepatitis B is inflammation of the liver
cells caused by Hepatitis B virus infection with symptoms such as malaise,
nausea, vomiting, headache, discomfort/pain in the abdomen, and changes in the
color of urine to brown, can be seen between 1-5 days before arise jaundice
(yellowish color). Chronic infection puts the people at a high risk of death from
liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Transmission can occur through sexual contact
with someone who is infected, perinatal transmission occurs from mother to her
baby, the use of syringes in drug addicts and through nosocomial exposure in
hospital. Hepatitis B can be prevented by Hepatitis B vaccine. This research aims
to determine the knowledge overview of productive ages women about Hepatitis
B in RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri. This research is a non
experimental research in the form of descriptive research. Sampling by purposive
sampling with a total sample of 112 people. The tool used was a questionnaire.
The questionnaire contained a statement about general knowledge about Hepatitis
B, symptoms of the disease, how to spread, how to prevent it, and the risk it
caused. The result of the questionnaire data were analyzed descriptively. A total
of 112 respondents were 90 respondents (80,36%) had good knowledge, 13
respondents (11,61%) had sufficient knowledge, and 9 respondents (8,03%) had
less knowledge.