Abstract :
According to The World Health Organization (WHO) about 257 million persons
are infected with hepatitis B in 2015. Based on The RisKesDas data, Indonesia
had a prevalence rate of 7,1 % for hepatitis B. High risk groups infected hepatitis
B are health workers incluiding student of technology medical labroratory
because exposed to blood and body fluids on the job.The lack of knowledge and
poor hygiene contributes to the transmission of hepatitis B in health workers.This
research is a pre-experimental with design was a one-group pretest posttest.
Samples by using stratifield proportional random sampling technique as many as
185 people. The aim of the study to analize the influence of health education to
change the knowledge level about hepatitis B in SMK Analis Kesehatan Nasional
Surakarta. This research instrument was in the form of questonnaire about
hepatitis B and leaflets as a counseling media. Before being given education the
knowledge level of students are: good knowledge is 82 students (44,3%), sufficient
knowledge is 94 students (50,8%), and lack knowledge is 9 students (4,9%). And
after being given education students with good knowledge increase to 184
students (99,5%) and sufficient knowledge is 1 student (0,5%). Statistic used by
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) result in P 0,000 <
0,05. Conclusion there was a significant influence of education on the knowledge