Abstract :
Tuberculosis (TB) is still a health problem in the world. Based on the Word
Health Organization (WHO) Tuberculosis is ranked 10th highest cause of death.
In Indonesia in 2018 there was an increase from 446,732 cases to 566,623 cases.
The provinces of Central Java, West Java and East Java had the highest number of
cases. Of the 200 TB patients who consume anti-tuberculosis drugs regularly 20%
experience impaired liver function. This research is a descriptive analytic study
using secondary data of Tuberculosis patients in Karanganyar District Hospital in
2018. The total sample of 66 patients was taken by purposive sampling. Was
obtained the results of the most TB patients were men (57.6%). The 46-65 years
age group experienced the most TB (43.9%). Increased levels of transaminases
occur with the use of 4 combinations of OAT and <1 month duration of therapy
and 1-2 months of treatment. The most widely consumed Hepatoprotector drug
besides OAT (45.5%) . The results of the analysis test using the Wilcoxon SGOT
test before and after the treatment of OAT obtained significance of p = 0.151 (>
0.05). SGPT levels before and after OAT treatment showed significance of p =
0.108 (> 0.05). This shows there is no effect of giving Anti Tuberculosis
Medication to SGOT and SGPT levels.