Abstract :
Cashew leaves (Anacardium ocidentale L.) contain chemical compounds such
as cardols, carbohydrates, fat proteins, vitamins and minerals (Ariyani, 2007). In
addition, cashew leaves also contain phenolic compounds which have the ability as
antioxidant. This study aims to determine the active compound, antioxidant activity
of cashew leaf ethyl acetate extract.
Cashew leaves were extracted using maceration method with 95% alcohol
solvent. To find out the active compound in Anacardium ocidentale L. ethyl acetate
extract, the idntification of active compound as carried out using phytochemical
screening methods. The antioxidant activity of ethyl acetate extract of cashew leaves
was tested using the FRAP method.
Phytochemical screening result showed ethyl acetate extract of cashew leaves
containing phenolic compounds. The etyl acetate extract of cashew leaves has
antioxidant activity in reducing FRAP free radicals with a value of 0,0674 mg/AAE.