Abstract :
Hepatitis B is an infectious disease or inflammation of hepatocytes caused
by the hepatitis B virus. It can cause both acute or chronic inflammation of the liver.
If it is not treated optimally, this desease can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. Drug
Related Problems (DRPs) is an event or circumstance of drug therapy that have an
actual potential to influence the desired therapeutic outcome. This study was aimed
to observe the potential occurrence and the number of DRPs categorized as
underdose, overdose, and adverse drug reaction (potential drug interaction) that
occurred in acute hepatitis B patient in the Inpatient at Brayat Minulya Hospital
Surakarta during Januari 2019-September 2019.
This study included descriptive research and non-experimental. Data taken
from the patient?s medical record sheet. Sampling was done by saturation sampling.
Data were analized descriptively covering patient characteristics, drug
characteristics, and potential DRPs.
Result of the study of 31 acute hepatitis B patients meeting the inclution
criteria showed that there were 20 potential of DRPs occuring (45,16%). The
potential of DRPs in the dosage catagory is underdose are 6 potenty (30,00%),
overdose are 2 potenty (10,00%), and adverse drug reaction (potential drug
interaction) funds are 12 potenty (60,00%).