Abstract :
Inflammation is a body mechanism for destroy and disable organism that
attack, eliminating an irritant, measure the degree of improvement which is
accompanied by inflammation with perfect healing process, inflammation can be
treated with anti-inflammatory drugs non steroid and steroid. But that?s have an
effects. Bawang dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L) Merr) contain flavonoid that
used to anti inflammatory. The objective to knowing anti-inflammatory effect of
extract bawang dayak to incision wounds in male white rats. There is 5 method to
used, that positive control with krim hidrokortison 2,5%, negative control with
basis cream. Group 1 with give KEEBD 5%, group 2 with give KEEBD 10% and
group 3 with KEEBD 15%. Trial result of ANOVA compare with positive control
is KEEBD can healing inflammation to incision wounds in male white rats on 15%
concreate KEEBD is 0,148, KEEBD 10% is 0,932 and KEEBD 5% is 0,964. The
best result of physical testing KEEBD on group 3 KEEBD 15% because that
qualified for the best cream.