Abstract :
The Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the respiratory tract causing high
fever, cough, flu, shortness of breath and sore throat. This corona virus can also
cause decreased immunity in humans, so immunostimulants are needed.
Temulawak rhizome can be used as an immunostimulant because it contains
flavonoids as antioxidants. The research objective was to determine the
determination of total flavonoid levels in boiled and steamed Temulawak rhizome
(curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) Using UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
The research method is experimental. The qualitative test was carried out
using KLT and resulted in a yellow color.
To determine the total flavonoid levels of the stew, the results were 14.985
mgQE / 100ml with % KV 0.0337% and for steeping 9.3801 mgQE / 100ml
with% KV 0.1076% so that the maximum flavonoid extraction method was found
in the stew. For the One Way test, it gets a significant value because the flavonoid
levels are 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference
between the total flavonoid levels of boiled and steeping.