Abstract :
Bay leaves contain a chemical composition that can be used as
traditional medicine. The purpose of this research was to study the total flavonoid
level in extracts and infusion of bay leaves (Syzygium polyanthum) by UV-Vis
spectrophotometry method. The method used in the research of the determination
of total flavonoids in the extract and leaf infusion of UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
Identification of flavonoid with alkali test using NaOH reagent and Wilstater
Cyanidin test using concentrated Mg and HCL metal reagents to compare the
absence of available flavonoid in the sample with discoloration. The results of the
study contained flavonoid compositions which showed thick extracts and bay leaf
infusions which positively contained flavonoid. The results of the determination
of total flavonoid level contained in the extract and bay leaf infusion with an
average concentration of thick extract flavonoids of 1.6531% b/b ± 0,0594 and
infusa extract of 0.9173% b/b ± 0,0380. The comparison test with the Independent
Samples Test analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the
total flavonoid content of ethanol extract and the infusion of bay leaves.