Abstract :
Inflammation is a protective response to tissue injury, one of the tissue
injuries caused by physical trauma is an incision. The research design used an
experimental study by carrying out an anti-inflammatory test on the ethanol
extract of Dayak onions made of ointment for the test animals. The antiinflammatory test method is an incision wound on the test animal. The study was
conducted to determine the effect of Dayak ethanol extract ointment on wound
healing in test animals. The ointment of Dayak?s ethanol extract made was tested
for evaluation of the ointment to meet the requirements for semi-solid
preparations. The 20 animals tested were divided into 5 groups, namely: negative
control, positive control, 4%, 6%, 8% concentration of Dayak onion ethanol
extract ointment. The test animals were shaved and given an incision on day 0,
then treated and observed in the form of a reduction in the length of the cut on day
1 to 14. Data were collected on days 3, 6, 9, 12 and 14 by comparing the
percentage reduction in incisions that occurred. Then the data obtained were
tested for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk Test and carried out a one way
ANOVA test with (? = 0.05) for the most effective wound healing by giving
Dayak ethanol extract ointment with a concentration of 8%.