Abstract :
The Covid-19 virus infection is one of the main health problems that grabs
the attention of the whole world today. Individuals with comorbidities have a higher
risk of experiencing severity and even death. A good level of knowledge and
awareness of complying with health protocols are important to prevent the spread
of Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of family
knowledge of patients in the internal medicine polyclinic of RSUD Muntilan about
Covid-19. This type of research is a non-experimental descriptive study. Sampling
by purposive sampling. The tool used is a questionnaire sheet. A sample of 215
respondents who met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the majority of
the characteristics of the respondents were 26-45 years old (66.98%), had a lower
level of education (70.23%), were private employees (42.33%), there was no history
of Covid-19 confirmation in the environment. (58.6%), and had received
information about Covid-19 (94.42%). The description of the patient's family
knowledge about Covid-19 was that 72.1% had good knowledge, 18.1% had
sufficient knowledge, and 9.8% had less knowledge. Efforts need to be made to
increase the knowledge of the patient's family about Covid-19 so that it can prevent