Abstract :
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) is a
virus that causes a disease, namely coronavirus disease or what is called COVID19. Knowledge is one of the things that is important to pay attention to in the
context of efforts to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. This study aims to
determine the level of public knowledge in order to prevent the spread of COVID19 in Dusun Ngentak, Karangwuni, Weru, Sukoharjo. This research is a nonexperimental research with a descriptive design with a population of 332 people.
The number of samples in this study were 182 respondents using purposive
sampling technique. Data were collected using a questionnaire sheet, respondents
answered 12 statements in the questionnaire, and processed using the Microsoft
Excel application. The results of this study indicate that the public knowledge
about COVID-19 in Dusun Ngentak, Karangwuni, Weru, Sukoharjo, from 182
respondents, 68 respondents (37.36%) have good knowledge, as many as 102
respondents (56.04%) have sufficient knowledge and as many as 12 respondents
(6.59%) have less knowledge. The data shows that the level of knowledge of the
community in Dusun Ngentak, Karangwuni, Weru, Sukoharjo is in the sufficient