Abstract :
A pharmacy is a place where pharmaceutical work and distribution of
preparations are carried out in a pharmacy to the community. Pharmaceutical
services aim to prevent and solve drug problems and problems related tomhealth.
One indicator used to analyze quality service at the pharmacy is to measure the
level of customer satisfaction. This study aims to determine the level of service
satisfaction pharmacy at Apotek Kimia Farma 228 Sukoharjo.
The design of this study using descriptive methods. The instrument used in
the form of a questionnaire. The population in this study is all customers who buy
with The sample uses a purposive sampling method that meets the criteria
inclusion. The sample size of 100 respondents.
The results showed the reliability dimension obtained a percentage score
of 83.5%, in the dimension responsiveness, obtained percentage score of 83.9%,
in the guarantee dimension a percentage score of 84.8% was obtained, in the
dimensions of empathy a percentage has obtained a score of 84.9%, on the
dimensions of physical evidence obtained a percentage score of 89.4%.
The researcher concluded that the level of satisfaction of pharmaceutical
services at the Pharmacy Kimia Farma 228 Sukoharjo showed very satisfied
criteria with a percentage score of 85.3%. The results of this study can be used as
basic data infurther research development.