Abstract :
In 2019 was the beginning of the pandemic of coronavirus disease or COVID-19.
Wolrd Health Organization (WHO) named the covid virus for the first time in
patients affected by the novel coronavirus 2019 in Wuhan, China. Very quickly
this virus spread and became a new outbreak that threatened the world. Positive
patients in Indonesia until September 12, 2020, reached 214,746 confirmed cases,
with the death toll reaching 8,650. PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital has
been a place for the treatment of COVID-19 patients who until October had
treated 250 patients. Because specific therapy does not yet exist and the status of
treatment is still being tested, this study aims to see the description of the
medication for COVID-19 patients at the hospital. The research was a descriptive
non-experimental study and the data was carried out retrospectively. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique, as many as 206
samples that met the inclusion standard. The most hospitalized COVID-19
patients from results showed that were Male sex was 54%, the most age group
was 56-65 years of 27.67%, with the most comorbidities of hypertension by
25.89%, the most antiviral drug oseltamivir was 84.2%, the most indication of
drugs was from the infectious drug class. amounted to 28.74%, and the most
frequently used drug was omeprazole as many as 134 patients.