Abstract :
According to WHO (World Health Organization), COVID-19 is an infectious
disease caused by a newly discovered type of corona virus. COVID-19 is now a
pandemic that occurs in many countries around the world. Because it is a new
disease, there is no standard treatment management that can be used for its
treatment. Based on the background of the problem regarding the increasing
prevalence rate and the risk of COVID-19 transmission, it is still a serious
problem, therefore the authors conducted this study. This research is a descriptive
analysis with data collection done retrospectively (existing data). The sampling
technique using total sampling obtained data of 80 patients. The results of this
study were that the characteristics of COVID-19 sufferers were mostly male as
much as 62.50%, the most vulnerable age was 26-35 years as much as 26.75%,
patients without comorbidities were 80% and patients with comorbidities were 20.
% with the highest percentage value is hypertension (37.5%). The most widely
used prescription drug prescription was the antiviral class as much as 34.15%,
dominated by Oseltamivir 75 mg as much as 27.04%, the most common use of
comorbidities was Amlodipine 5 mg as much as 16.67%.