Abstract :
Along with the development of the Covid-19 case in Indonesia, efforts to prevent
the transmission of this virus are being carried out by the community, one of
which is consuming healthy and nutritious foods, taking vitamin supplements if
needed. Supplements are used as a preventive measure as an immune booster.
According to research conducted by Veneranda, et al (2020), a good level of
knowledge is proportional to good attitudes and behavior to reduce negligence of
health workers who can cause Covid-19 infection. Pharmaceutical Technical
Personnel is one part of health workers who have a role in pharmaceutical
services. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge of
Pharmaceutical Technical Workers about the use of supplements as an effort to
prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in Sukoharjo Regency. This research is a
non-experimental descriptive study. Measurements were made by using a
questionnaire as a research instrument which previously tested the validity with
Pearson correlation and reliability tests with Alpha Cronbach. The results of this
research showed that a total of 179 Pharmaceutical Technical Workers 49.7%
had good knowledge and 50.3% had poor knowledge. The conclusion in this study
is that the description of the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical technical
personnel, especially in Sukoharjo Regency, regarding the use of supplements to
prevent Covid 19 infection is not good.