Abstract :
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new type of Coronavirus
that emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Adolescents have a low risk of
contracting COVID-19, but have the ability to transmit it to others who have a
higher risk of contracting COVID-19, for example in others who have
participating diseases. The aimed of this study to find out the level of awareness
of teenagers Jatimalang Palur Mojolaban Sukoharjo regency about health
protocols prevention COVID-19.This research includes a type of quantitative
descriptive research with a population and a sample of 100 people. Total
Sampling is a method used in the research sampling technique. Data collection
usingquestionnaire sheets and google form in Jatimalang Palur Mojolaban
Sukoharjo. The results showed that teenagers Dusun Jatimalang Desa Palur have
good knowledge as many as 49 teenagers (49%), enough knowledge as many as
32 teenagers (32%), and good enough knowledge and 19 teenagers (19%) have
poor knowledge of COVID-19 prevention health protocols.