Abstract :
Knowledge is a result of curiosity about certain objects. Knowledge of
Pharmaceutical Technical Workers about Covid-19 is very much needed as the
basis for the front line and takes an important role in serving the community. The
purpose of the study was to describe the knowledge of the Solo Business Unit
Chemical Pharmaceutical Technical Workers about Covid-19.
In this study, the validity test and reliability test were carried out, the
validity test results showed 12 valid questions and the reliability test results
showed 12 reliable questions. The research method used in this research is nonexperimental quantitative method, with a descriptive design
The description of the knowledge of the Kimia Farma Pharmaceutical
Technical Workers of the Solo Business Unit includes the characteristics of the
respondents and the knowledge of the respondents. From the research that has
been carried out, the results of Pharmaceutical Technical Workers with a good
level of knowledge with a value of >75% (good category) were 73 people
(89.02%) and 9 people (10.97%) were stated to have poor knowledge.