Abstract :
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) is an infectious disease caused by a
new type of Coronavirus. In Indonesia, cases without symptoms are higher than
cases with symptoms, mostly in young people or people with high immunity.
They have great potential as a carrier that causes Covid-19 and transmits it to the
community. On November 25, 2020, in Bulu district, 76% of the positive
confirmed cases of Covid-19 were people without symptoms. The level of
adolescent knowledge about Covid 19 and its prevention is very important to
break the chain of spreading Covid 19. This study aims to determine the level of
knowledge of adolescents in Bulu village, Bulu district, Sukoharjo district about
the prevention of Covid-19. This research is a descriptive quantitative research
using purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using a google form
questionnaire distributed online on December 31, 2020 to January 17, 2021 in
Bulu village adolescents who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The
results showed that the village youth of Bulu had a good level of knowledge as
much as 59.3%, sufficient knowledge as much as 38.7%, and insufficient
knowledge as much as 2.0%. The conclusion in this study is that the knowledge of
adolescents with good categories is 59.3%. To increase adolescent knowledge,
education and outreach is needed about the development of Covid-19.