Abstract :
The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2
(SARS_CoV-2) is the virus that causes Covid-19. The virus originated in
Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has spread throughout the world at this
time. This disease can be asymptomatic or without symptoms to symptoms
such as fever, sore throat, cough, lung infection, and in severe cases acute
respiratory distress syndrome. Currently in Indonesia is still struggling to
reduce the spread of Covid-19.
This research was conducted using non-experimental descriptive
research method with retrospective data collection at RSUD Kota Surakarta.
The study was conducted to obtain data regarding the description of therapy
in patients being treated in Covid-19 isolation at RSUD Kota Surakarta.
From the results of the research conducted, it was obtained data that
Covid-19 patients at RSUD Kota Surakarta dominated by those over 45 years
old (46-5 years old at 33.33%, 56-65 years old at 16.70%, and > 65 years old
by 21.70%). For gender, it is 55% for men and 45% for women. Patients with
comorbid hypertension and kidney disorders obtained the highest percentage
results, each at 35.00%, followed by diabetes mellitus at 32.00%, with liver
disorders at 3.00%, while without comorbidities at 27.00%.
Based on the use of drugs, the highest results were shown in the use
of antibiotics (88.33%), antacids and anti-ulcers (86.67%), vitamins, minerals
and supplements (78.33%), analgesics and antipyretics (66.67%),
expectorants. (45.00%), antihypertensive (41.67%), antiviral (30.00%), drugs
that affect coagulation (25.00%), antidiabetic (21.67%), antiasma (20.00%),
corticosteroids (13.33%), anti-malarial (10.00%), anti-diarrheal (5.00%), and
antitussive (3.33%).