Abstract :
Drug management is a series of activities involving aspects of planning,
procurement, receipt, storage, destruction, control, recording and reporting of
medicines that are optimally managed. Drug management can be done by
consumption and ABC methods.The purpose of this study was to obtain
information and an overview of drug management at Polanharjo Pharmacy based
on the level of usage and investment based on ABC analysis methods based on
usage level and investment based on ABC analysis method. This research uses
existing drug populations in the Polanharjo Pharmacy from January - December
2019.The results of this study were for ABC analysis the use value of group A
consisted of 43 drug items with a total usage of 1,321,600.
Group B consisted of 54 drug items with a total usage of 368,480. Whereas group
C consisted of 330 drug items with a total investment of 187,210.For ABC
analysis the group A investment value consists of 63 drug items with an
investment amount of Rp 1,163,644,000. Group B consisted of 95 drug items with
an investment of Rp 328,547,200. While group C consisted of 269 drug items
with an investment of Rp 164,107,200.Drug group A is the most usage value and
investment value, so it is necessary to ensure adequate availability of drug stock to
avoid a shortage of stock which results in hindering service at the Pharmacy.