Abstract :
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from
mild to severe symptoms. Elderly individuals are susceptible to Covid-19 infection
but that does not mean that young people are immune to this virus. Although
adolescents have higher immunity compared to adults or the elderly (elderly), it
does not rule out that adolescents can become carriers that can spread the virus to
others. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge of
adolescent behavior in preventing the transmission of Covid-19. This research is a
type of non-experimental research by distributing questionnaires in the Klodran
Colomadu Karanganyar village, with a population of adolescents who live in the
Klodran Colomadu Karanganyar village. Retrieval of data used for research is a
purposive technique obtained 64 adolescents. Data analysis was performed using
the Chi Square test. From the results of the bivariate analysis using the Chi Square
Test, there was a significant relationship between knowledge and adolescent
behavior in preventing Covid-19 transmission with a p value of 0.005 (p <0.01);
95% and CI = 1,737- 15,302 and OR 5,156, while the characteristics of the
respondents (education level) were statistically not found to have a significant
relationship with adolescent behavior in preventing Covid-19 transmission with a
p value of 0.779 (p <0.01); 95 % CI = 0.325-10.175 and OR 1.818.