Abstract :
Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) is a disease caused by a new type of
corona virus that appeared at the end of 2019 for the first time in Wuhan, China
which is currently causing a pandemic in almost all over the world. The incidence
of disease due to Covid-19 in the world in September 2020 reached 20,005,383.
This study aims to find an overview of the knowledge of pharmaceutical
engineering personnel about Covid-19 in Wonogiri district. This research method
is descriptive, with simple random sampling technique. The study was conducted
in February 2021. The population of this research is pharmaceutical technical
personnel in Wonogiri district. The research sample of respondents was 134
pharmaceutical engineering personnel in Wonogiri Regency. The research
instrument used a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability
testing. Based on the place of work in the hospital as much as 35.8%, according
to the basic education, namely D3 Pharmacy as much as 67.2%, based on the
origin of work, namely 4-10 years as much as 47%. The results of the research
regarding the description of the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical
engineering personnel about Covid 19 were 70.10% good knowledge and 29.9%
poor knowledge.