Abstract :
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a type of infectious disease caused
by the dengue virus. Dengue virus infection can be transmitted through the bite of
Aedes sp. The incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever is something that needs
special attention. The high incidence of dengue hemorrhagic fever cannot be
separated from its association with the presence of the Aedes sp. Mosquito as the
main vector for the spread of dengue hemorrhagic fever. One indicator that can be
used is to look at the presence of mosquito larvae, which is an early stage in the
mosquito life cycle.
The research design used is descriptive research. This research was
conducted in several homes of residents of Nglinggo Tasikmadu Karanganyar .
The samples were identified at the Parasitology Laboratory of the National
STIKES Surakarta. The subjects in this study were larvae of Aedes sp. In this
reseacrh, using the Accidental Sampling technique, in which the method of
determining the accidental sample (accidental), the researcher took a sample that
he happened to meet at that time.
The results of the research conducted in the Nglinggo Tasikmadu
Karanganyar hamlet, there were 31 houses with 106 containers which were
examined and there were 19 containers that were positive for Aedes sp. Larvae.
The findings of Aedes sp. larvae indicate that larvae samples taken from
community water reservoirs both inside and outside the house have a very big
chance of being infected with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF).