Abstract :
Worms is a disease caused by a worm infection in the human
body that is transmitted through soil. The prevalence of worms is still a
health problem with a high level of infection, one of which is transmitted
by Ascaris lumbricoides eggs, the source of transmission can be through
water, mud, and fertilizers used in catfish breeding. The purpose of this
study was to determine the presence of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs in the
digestion of African catfish
This research is a descriptive study using quota sampling with
15 samples of African catfish in catfish captivity in Ngambak Kalang,
Wirun Village, Mojolaban District. The sampling technique used is quota
sampling. Examination of Ascaris lumbricoides eggs using saturated
NaCl deposition method and examined microscopically.
The results of the study on 15 samples of African catfish that
were examined did not find Ascaris lumbricoides eggs in catfish
digestion. This is due to various factors including environmental factors,
habitat, habits and food consumed by catfish so that the results are